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Is Community College Right for You?

Posted by Traci Pitman on 11/17/15 8:47 PM

These days you’ve got plenty of choices when it comes to furthering your education. Now that you’ve earned your high school diploma, you can choose from four-year colleges and universities, two-year community colleges, technical schools, and for-profit online schools. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available.

For many people, though, community college is a smart choice for beginning your higher education journey. Not sure community college is right for you? Check out the ways a community college education could benefit you personally and professionally.


Cost, cost, cost.

Unless you’ve landed a full ride to the school of your dreams, you can’t beat the cost of attending a community college. Spending your first two years at a community college will save you thousands—if not tens of thousands—in tuition and fees, and staying close to home will eliminate the need to pay hefty room and board fees. While student loan debt skyrockets in the U.S., picking an affordable school is a seriously smart choice. Learn about costs and paying for college at Texarkana College.



Personal Attention

As low as the cost is, you also can’t beat the relationships you’ll develop with your instructors. Community college instructors are often at the tops of their fields and have earned advanced degrees from some of the most distinguished universities in the nation—you’ll get full access to them and their expertise. Stepping into a huge lecture hall at a university is intimidating, and just try getting through your teaching assistant to actually get help from your university professor. That simply doesn’t happen at a community college, where instructors know you, care about you, and are personally committed to helping you succeed.



Program Availability

If you’re more interested in earning a credential that’ll take you straight to a good job in the local workforce, community college is your best bet. Though many for-profit schools offer similar credentials online, they can’t offer the in-depth hands-on training that a community college can offer. Depending on your program, you can be done with college and in the workforce after just a couple of semesters. Plus, you’ll get access to a multitude of resources and student services (like a gym with an indoor swimming pool) that your typical for-profit university can’t provide. Explore Texarkana College’s programs of study—you’re sure to find something right up your alley.




Community colleges are a higher ed entry point for people at different stages in their lives, which means they understand that people are often juggling full-time jobs and families while trying to go to college. They offer day classes, evening classes and online courses to fit your busy life, plus student services liketutoring and counseling.




Community colleges offer the best parts of the campus experience at a fraction of the price. While they’re completely optional, you can enrich your community college experience by joining clubs and organizations and enjoying campus-wide events like Fall Fest and Spring Fling. Some even offer opportunities to expand your horizons by traveling abroad.


Are you ready to start at a community college? Consider starting at Texarkana College.

Topics: community college, college

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