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4 Traits of Successful Firefighters

Posted by Traci Pitman on 11/4/15 3:24 PM


If you're interested in a firefighting career, it's probably not because you think it's easy. Firefighters have to commit to lifelong learning and training, stay fit, and dedicate themselves completely to the communities they serve. Think you have what it takes? Check out four traits shared by the must successful firefighters.

1. Guts

When bad things happen, most people run away. Not firefighters. Whether they're battling flames, rescuing people from dangerous wrecks, or helping contain chemical spills, firefighters find themselves in some scary situations. They have to have the guts and courage to risk their lives to save others.


2. Physical fitness

To wear the bulky firefighter’s uniform, handle firefighting equipment, and help remove other people from hazardous situations, you’ve got to have muscles. Effective firefighters have to keep themselves in tip top shape so they are physically equipped to handle any type of disaster.


3. Flexibility

Disasters never happen on an ideal schedule. Firefighters have to have the agility to adapt their work schedules, job expectations, sleep schedules, and more to cope with new, stressful environments. If you’re able to keep your cool in chaotic situations, you might have what it takes to be a firefighter.


4. Teamwork

In a fire academy, you’ll learn pretty quickly to lean on your fellow cadets to help manage potentially dangerous situations. Successful firefighters must be able to communicate with and work alongside their teams, which often contain many different personality types.


Firefighting is a challenging career, and it’s not for the faint of heart. The best firefighters are completely dedicated to making their communities safer. They keep their minds sharp by continuing to study even after they graduate from a fire academy, and they keep their bodies strong so they can haul heavy equipment (and people, when necessary).

Do you have what it takes to be a firefighter? The Texarkana College Fire Academy can put you on the path to a firefighting career.


Topics: fire academy

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