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4 Reasons to Register Early for College Classes

Posted by Traci Pitman on 11/17/15 8:27 PM



Time to plan ahead! Registering early for college classes helps you beat the crowds and take care of business before the busy holiday season hits.Check out these four great reasons you should register early for college classes.

1. You'll snag the classes you want at the times you want.

Ever waited until the last minute and found that the class you need to round out your semester is full? Registering early gives you the opportunity to choose your classes while plenty of sections are still available.

2. You won't waste your time in line.

Fun fact: the busiest time in most colleges' Enrollment Services and Financial Aid offices is the two weeks prior to classes starting. So if you need to see your advisor or need some one-on-one help from anyone in enrollment services or financial aid, now's the time to get it done before the crowds hit.

3. You'll have time to handle roadblocks.

Unexpected hold? Financial aid error? Starting early gives you time to figure out any barriers that might keep you from registering and take care of them in plenty of time to register.

4. You'll get it out of the way. 

This time of year is super busy, and most colleges close for several weeks for the holidays. Cross this off your to-do list before the hectic holiday season hits. Trust us—you'll be glad you did!

You can use bulleted lists, numbered list, or multiple headings. Include as many steps, numbers, or bullets that will allow you to discuss your topic thoroughly.

So now you're ready to take care of your registration, right? Check out important dates and deadlines for Texarkana College's Spring 2016 term and January 2016 mini-mester.



Topics: registration, college

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